You know you’re from Cleveland if:

You know you’re from Cleveland if : 

1.  You can pronounce Cuyahoga

2.  You are Polish

3.  You’ve never ridden in a Taxi

4.  You know how to Polka

5.  You take credit for Cedar Point

6.  Everything is 20 minutes from everywhere

7.  You decorate your house with Christmas lights IN JULY

8.  You take dead mans curve at 60 mph

9.  You know Tower City isn’t a city

10. It will always be The Jake

11. You know what the city of Pink Flamingos is

12. You can’t tell the difference between Brooklyn and Old Brooklyn

13. You are not happy when you go to other cities and their Corned Beef doesn’t compare

14. It’s called POP !

15. You don’t have an accent

16. You have no idea who sings “New York State of Mind,” but you know all the lyrics to the parody “Parma State of Mind”

17. You know where the Christmas Story house is

18. You wear flip flops in 40 degree weather

19. You cheer tirelessly for our local sports teams despite their tendency to lose

20. You stop and stare at the leaping fountain in Tower City every time you walk by it

21. You know how to make real pierogies

22. You hate Pittsburgh and Baltimore

23. You like Kielbasa and sauerkraut

24. You drink …. A LOT

25. You think political correctness involves using the term “certain ethnic” when telling a joke.

26. You laugh at the words lake effect

27. You have gotten 3 speeding tickets, and they are all from the mile long stretch of a suburb named Linndale.

28. It’s dinner not supper

29. It’s -10 degrees, 2 feet of snow, school busses are sliding on the road, and you don’t get a snow day

30. You know we are the reason stadiums don’t have glass bottles.

31. You are used to the dead fish smell after it rains.

32. You remember the Norton’s Furniture commercials

33. You often switch from heat to AC in the same day and back again

34. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

35. You find 3 degrees a little chilly.

36. It will always be the The Gund

37. You have ballpark mustard in your refrigerator

38. It’s “you’s guys” not yens, or ya’ll

39. Cleveland is called downtown, not the city

40. You have a tree lawn

41. It will always be called the Jennings freeway

42. You have no idea what the Free Stamp means

43. You spend your 19th birthday road tripping to Canada

44. You know what The Feast of the Assumption is

45. You know that Miami was a university before Florida was a state.

46. You know who saves you the run around

47. You go out for fish fry on Fridays in the winter

48. You know Slavic Village is no longer Slavic, but still eat at the Red Chimney

49. You shop at Marcs

50. You know there are only 2 seasons, winter, and construction

51. You know who Mary Hartski is

52. You watched Super Host

53. You partied at – Dixie Electric / Hang 10 / Mining Company

54. You know Super Man was born here

55. Ghoulardi !

56. You went to the Memphis Drive In

57. You know the Big Chuck and Little John laugh

58. You refuse to call the state up north by its name

59. You know what a woolly bear is

60. You know someone that worked at LTV or Cleveland Pneumatic

61. You remember the “old” Prospect Ave.

62. 30 Rock, Season 1, episode 20

63. You ever had vanilla lemonade from the West Side market

64. You get excited when you see Christmas Ale, you get mad when it’s not available

65. Everything below Cleveland is the South

66. You know The Big Egg

67. You get lost every time you go to University Circle

68. You shopped at the Bazaar Mini Mall

69. You ate and shopped at Woolworths

70. You know Sokolowskis is only open on the weekend, and eating off the cafeteria trays takes you back to your school days

71. You don’t have to leave the city to see all the Broadway shows

72. You define where you live by East side or West side

73. You know what the friendship border ring is

74. You eat walleye and perch

75. You celebrate Sweetest Day

76. The names Eliot Ness and Edmund Fitzgerald make you think of beer

77. You’ve seen Robert Lockwood Jr. play live

78. You know where the old League Park is

79. You never make an Easter Basket from anything but Malley’s

80. You can tell an accordion from a button box

81. You know what 10 cent beer night is

82. You know collision bend is not dead mans curve

83. You recount the stories of The Fumble, The Drive, The Shot, The Curse and Game 7 by heart

84. You know someone who was an extra in “The Deer Hunter and The Avengers”

85. You own a Michael Stanley Band album

86. You own a copy of  “Major League” on DVD

87. You know what a buckeye is and you have a recipe for the candy ones

88. Red Right

89. You call it a purse

90. You partied on the East bank of the Flats

91. You sang the Garfield 1-2323  jingle

92. You owned, or know someone who owned a babushka

93. You’ve put a dog bone in your mouth at least once

94. You can finish Bob Serpentini’s line, “American and…”

95. You ate at Steve’s Hot Dogs

96. You know that Christie’s isn’t an auction house

97. You been to Higbees, and May Company

98. You know what the Emerald Necklace is

99. You know what the Holy Rivalry is

100. You know you are from Cleveland if: You smile every time you hear someone say: Cleveland Rocks !

101. The (real) Buzzard

102. You know the Arsenio Hall bark

103. Moon over Parma

104. The Flats in the 80s/early 90s

105. Kid Leo “Born to Run”

106. You play corn hole, not bags

About North Coast Parrothead Club - Cleveland

Welcome to the North Coast Parrot Head Club Word Press site. The North Coast PHC was established in the year 2000. We are an Official member of Parrot Heads in Paradise Inc. The North Coast Parrot Head Club is a Not-For-Profit Organization. Recognized by the IRS as a 501 (C)7. Our purpose? Promote the North Coast Parrot Head Club as a non-profit social organization and shall assist and support other non-profit and charitable organizations in the community and aid in humanitarian and environmental concerns. It will also provide social activities for people interested in the music of Jimmy Buffett and the lifestyle portrayed in that music.
This entry was posted in Cleveland, Clubs, Jimmy Buffett, Non Profit Club, Ohio. Bookmark the permalink.

51 Responses to You know you’re from Cleveland if:

  1. moved away two years ago, read this now i’m homesick!

  2. Bruni Rivera says:

    move to Texas, but this brought so much memories I wanted to cry. Miss the old cleveland stadium and love the new Gund Arena and the Jake. Worked almost 30 years of East 9th street. and miss my walks on the pier. CLEVELAND ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. SkipperMell says:

    I moved away 4 1/2 years ago. I STILL get made fun of in NorCal for saying ‘pop.’ Thanks for bringing back a lot of memories.

  4. Louise Milano says:

    Thanks for the memories

  5. elizabeth says:

    And now I’m moving back to Cleveland to the west side, from Kentucky!! I’d better make a copy of this so I get it right again!!

  6. T Rot says:

    and you’ve never been to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame…….you know what the submarine races meant….you didn’t bring your swimsuit to Euclid Beach….you would never shop at the Original Mattress Factory because you can’t stand their commercials and Ron Trzcinski’s voice

  7. vivian says:

    been here 61 years , and you got it all right and I live on the east side.

  8. debbie c says:

    Eating at Halle’s; having a chocolate frosty at Higbees before catching bus east; knowing Squire’s Castle was THE destination; you have partied at the Harbor Inn; you grabbed late night food at Chung Wah’s; you know the exact location of Squaw Rock; you go out for a “hamburg”; when it is 50 degrees in March you open your windows for fresh air; you frequented the Miles Drive-in; you never missed going to see the magnificent Sterling Linder Christmas tree; you dressed up to go “downtown”;

  9. Pingback: 102 Signs That You’re A Clevelander « Cleveland's New 102

  10. Jeneen says:

    I LOVE that Red Right is #88. Classic. And if you are from Cleveland, you DEFINITELY know what that means.

  11. Mary Luca says:


  12. Ron says:

    Been gone since 91′ miss the people,food, lake but not the weather.

  13. barbara werner says:


  14. Chris East says:

    How about the FRIES & SCHUELE CO? I used to go there as a child & remember the huge Christmas tree in the middle of the building. I remember being so amazed at how big the ornaments & candy canes were. It made me sad to see that building go. Or how about the Pretzels in the basement of the May Company, or how all of the department stores downtown used to decorate for Christmas & have the little people & figures that moved around. I loved Cleveland so much growing up. It was awesome!!

  15. charles says:

    What’s a friendship border ring?

  16. Greg K says:

    You can name the flavors of pop in a case of Little Tom’s
    You ate chicken from Red Barn
    You know that a chicken pot pie came out of a cardboard oven
    Mall C rib burn off and concerts

  17. M. Mukhara says:

    You know what the Grande and the Velvet Under Ground was.
    You paid $4.00 to see the Rolling Stones, Jimmy Hindrix, J.Morrison, J.Joplin, BB King, Jefferson airplane, Robert Plant, etc in a theatre Downtown.
    You waded in the fountains next to the the soldier statue and hoped the police didn’t chase you.
    You played hooky from school at least once to be a “Hippy” on the square.
    You called the square behind euclid ave (fountains) “The Mall” before there were any “Malls”.
    You hitchhiked or begged a ride to Mentor Hullabaloo.
    You lived in East Cleveland and you told the School you lived with your aunt in Collinwood.
    You lived in East Cleveland and you weren’t Catholic so your parents paid lots of mula for you to go to private schools or you pretended to be Catholic, anyway.
    Even though you weren’t Catholic, you put the doily on your head. (Respectfully)
    But GOD it was better than a babushka !!) Why could’nt God see your head then but he can now?.
    You went to Griswold Institute Downtown because you could, daddy had the money, you were the artistic type, a poet and musician, and you weren’t Catholic. Or you came from Bratenal.
    The first time you got drunk was at a Catholic Irish Wake.
    The first time you smoked Pot was with a “non Catholic”.
    Your sisters converted to Catholicism or Judaism when they got married.
    You said “fruit of thy loom” at least once by mistake and laughed in Mass.
    When you lived on the west side all your friend’s names ended in “ski ” and they dreamed of going to college, and living near the Ocean.
    When you lived on the east side all your friend’s names ended in stein, and they all dreamed of going to the mountains to ski, because they went to florida every Christmas to go to the movies.
    All your friends on the west side Tuned their cars on Saturday.
    All your friends on the east side Tuned their instruments on Saturday.
    When you drove down East 55th street at night you kept your windows rolled up and locked.
    When you drove Down West 25th street at night you kept your windows rolled up and locked.
    You didn’t know anyone that spoke Spanish.
    The Flats was a stinky place you avoided at all costs.
    Swimming in the lake was banned sometimes because so many dead fish were on the shore .
    You know The Cuyahoga caught on fire.
    You know It can snow on halloween ………and Easter
    You “flash” your neighbors for the first time on Halloween. (Open your coat to show your costume while shouting “trick or treat”)
    You remember when all the kids in the neighborhood went out on Halloween and came home with a shopping bag full of candy bars and Quarters. Enough to buy a new dress or shoes. Penny Candy ……NO WAY !!
    You can’t wait to turn 18 so you can go to a warmer climate.
    You know what 3-2 beer is.
    You know someone that got “busted” with a joint.
    You know when the summer of love was.
    You know what to wear when you go to San Francisco.
    You have danced under a blacklight while wearing white.
    you never wear white shoes after Labor Day.
    you own a spare set of tires with spikes on them.
    You carry chains in your trunk for your tires (?)
    You carry a cigaret lighter to warm your carlock.
    you know that they made a mistake when they named Chicago the windy city.
    You can’t wait to turn 18 so you can go to a warmer climate.
    LOL ……….A year never passes that I don’t visit………GO FIGURE !!
    (There was no intention to offend anyone with these memories)

    • Now thoseI can relate too. Born and raised in Cleveland but left in 1979 at age 18…for California, of course! Yeah, I definitely remember when 3.2 beer was legal at 18. A few more from a 70s era Clevelander: your favorite radio station was either WIXY 1260 or WMMS “home of the buzzard.” You ‘pretended’ to forget it was Friday and got half way through a hamburger and said’s FRIDAY! Guess I’ll go to Confession tomorrow…” and you rolled up your uniform skirts once you got about 5 blocks from school! You remember when Mrs. Perk refused to meet with Pat Nixon because it was her ‘bowling night’ and when Mayor Perk banned skin magazines at Hopkins airport!

    • V. Acquah says:

      Big Chuck and…? Leo’s Casino- little Italy..Vel’s Party center-Don King – Twigbee’s 4 Roller rinks… Trees with fruit on them- Woodhill Park- When McDonald’s had good food and coffee. Giant Tiger ruled…lol I could go on n on from a certain ethnic persuasion..uh uhmm .. when Shotenstein was not Value City.

    • Ruth Vickroy says:

      That was great!
      From a diehard Clevelander.
      Born here, still live here & wiil die here.

  18. Sharon Middleton says:

    You remember the old Arena on Euclid, and picnics at Squire’s Castle. Now I’m dating my self: Coventry Village.

  19. Heather Chakan says:

    I remember eating at the Zodiac Room at Higbees and watching all the people in the mall shop.
    Going to Nela Park to look at the Christmas Lights
    Riding the Carousel at the Zoo
    Driving around every Wednesday and looking at all the bridges Downtown

    I am so PROUD to be from Cleveland!! WE ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Slyman’s corned beef……..the best ever !

  21. 4initalia says:

    The “real” Buzzard should have been #101

  22. Jean Lehnert says:

    Left Cleveland 36 years ago for Cincinnati. I remember roller skating at Rollercade on Denison Ave, Zayers on Denison Ave. and skating at Puritas Springs Park and Euclid Beach Park. Fishing with my dad at Edgewater Park on the breakwall and Dairy Dell. Jean Mason Lehnert

  23. Lacey Burton says:

    Great post. Brings back lots of memories. Grew up in Madison & Mentor and lived in NE Ohio for 28 years before moving to Texas (then eventually moving to NM). You forgot to add: “You eat the delicious donuts from Biagio’s, but never the pizza!”

  24. Cindy says:

    World Series of Rock concerts at the Stadium!!!

  25. dave says:

    the peanut shop on the sqaure

    • xpatqueen says:

      AHHHHH I can smell the roasted nuts from here! My Dad and I used to walk by there every day on the way to work. Thanks for giving me this gift of a wonderful memory

  26. Kristle says:

    This makes me sooo homesick! I’ve been gone for almost 6 years and now I can’t wait to visit again.

  27. dave says:

    left in 85 miss the memories when i got the news that steve,s hot dogs burned down i thought its all slowly going away but thanks to this site the memories live on CLEVELAND ROCKS

  28. xpatqueen says:

    Oh geez!!! I MISS MY HOME! I an an expat now living in Sakhalin Russia and this made my day. Hands down THE best “you know you’re from Cleveland”….love it. Thank you for making me homesick. This.Is. Awesome!

  29. Marc Kuppe says:

    I would add…
    Mr Jing-A-Ling
    The Baron’s
    Decoration Day
    West Side Market killing fresh chickens
    Monkey Island
    Gold Circle
    Uncle Bill’s
    Whipp’s Ledges
    Buzzard Pancake Breakfast in Hinkley

  30. Janifer Philpot says:

    Pla-mor skate rink&forest hills swimmingpool ,the arena 105&euclid drugstore where the had the best popcorn&movie theatre across the street where they popped popcorn in the window, the eastside market , may co. Basement, where you could find shoes on the tables if you dig , like digging for treasure, going to the lagoon in university circle on sundys taking a lunch &laying on the grass! Those were the days, thought they would never end!!!!!

  31. kay says:

    Left Cleveland in 1986. Visited last year. Was very impressed with downtown. Walking around brought back a lot of memories

  32. marily says:

    Left for Texas in 1953. Raised in the projex off two hunnert street.
    visited years ago. Not only are the projects gone, but so is the street I lived on. No one I know still lives in Euclid.
    went to my 50th class reunion and nobody spoke to me there, so after a while I went back to a hotel and flew home. But I am glad to know that somewhere in
    Cleveland there are people who are happy with it.

  33. Kevin Calogar says:

    You know you live in Cleveland when….

    You still remember riding the Rapid Transit Downtown for a shop til you drop day with a Grandmother that could outrun you but can’t remember what you did yesterday.
    . 🙂 1965

  34. JESSE Kovach says:

    The Cleveland Zoo and the Rain Forest, with the Old Pool too…

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